Ark of the covenant of Israel (left) and "Omikoshi" ark of Japan (right)
Israelites Came to Ancient Japan
Many of the traditional ceremonies in Japan and their DNA
indicate that the Lost Tribes of Israel came to ancient Japan
Dear friends in the world,
I am a Japanese Christian writer living in Japan.
As I study the Bible, I began to realize that many
traditional customs and ceremonies in Japanare very
similar to the ones of ancient Israel. I considered
that perhaps these rituals came from the religion
and customs of the Jews and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel
who might have come to ancient Japan.
The following sections are concerned with those Japanese
traditions which possibly originated from the ancient Israelites.
The reason why I exhibit these on the internet is to enable
anyone interested in this subject, especially Jewish
friends to become more interested, research it for yourself,
and share your findings.
The ancient kingdom of Israel, which consisted of 12 tribes,
was in 933 B.C.E. divided into the southern kingdom of
Judahand the northern kingdom of Israel. The 10 tribes out of
12 belonged to the northern kingdom and the rest to the southern kingdom.